How Do I Sign My Company Registration Application?
First of all, if you haven’t installed the card reader software and activated the plugins of your browser you have to do it to sign the application. We explain how to do it in this tutorial.
If you have configured your card reader already, these are the steps you must take to sign the registration of your company in Estonia:
Access the Estonian e-Business Register and log in with your e-Residency card.
Click on “Applications” and then on “Other Applications”.
Click on the name of the company.
Before signing, please verify that all the data is correct, that all the members have been added, and that they appear correctly as members of the board and/or shareholders in the proportions that you decided. Check your names and e-Residency IDs, and that the share capital is correct. If you notice any errors, let us know so we can modify the request before proceeding.
Go to step 11: “Confirmation of the application“.

During the registration process, on the registration page, you will notice three individuals who are neither partners nor company members acting on the Companio's behalf to sign and provide the service of a contact person and legal address for your company. These individuals only sign to offer this service. They are not board members, founders, or beneficial owners under any circumstances.
Scroll down to the end of the page and click on “sign“.
The system will ask for your PIN2 (the one used to sign documents) to be able to sign the registration of your company. Hopefully, some moments later, the “Signature missing” will change to “signed” (in green).
IMPORTANT: After the signature, DO NOT proceed with the payment and DO NOT proceed with the submission.
Just let us know that all the members of the company have signed. We will verify all the information, pay the required notary and state fees for you, and submit the application.
The company will be registered within 48 hours, often even sooner.

If you have configured your card reader already, these are the steps you must take to sign the registration of your company in Estonia:
Access the Estonian e-Business Register and log in with your e-Residency card.
Click on “Applications” and then on “Other Applications”.
Click on the name of the company.
Before signing, please verify that all the data is correct, that all the members have been added, and that they appear correctly as members of the board and/or shareholders in the proportions that you decided. Check your names and e-Residency IDs, and that the share capital is correct. If you notice any errors, let us know so we can modify the request before proceeding.
Go to step 11: “Confirmation of the application“.

During the registration process, on the registration page, you will notice three individuals who are neither partners nor company members acting on the Companio's behalf to sign and provide the service of a contact person and legal address for your company. These individuals only sign to offer this service. They are not board members, founders, or beneficial owners under any circumstances.
Scroll down to the end of the page and click on “sign“.
The system will ask for your PIN2 (the one used to sign documents) to be able to sign the registration of your company. Hopefully, some moments later, the “Signature missing” will change to “signed” (in green).
IMPORTANT: After the signature, DO NOT proceed with the payment and DO NOT proceed with the submission.
Just let us know that all the members of the company have signed. We will verify all the information, pay the required notary and state fees for you, and submit the application.
The company will be registered within 48 hours, often even sooner.

Updated on: 03/04/2024
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