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How To Match One Invoice With Multiple Transactions Or Vice versa?

To match one invoice with multiple transactions, follow these instructions:

1. Upload your invoice to the Companio dashboard.

Go to the Sales or Purchases section (depending on the type of your invoice) and use the "Upload" button to go to the document uploading area. Drag and drop your invoices there. Ensure you note whether you are uploading the invoice for the current month or the previous one to easily locate the document later in your list of invoices.

2. Match the invoice with the first transaction.

Return to the Sales or Purchases section and locate your invoice. You can use the search functionality to find the document by name. Remember to select the correct month (the one where you uploaded the invoice in the previous step).

Click on "Link". This will take you to a screen with a list of transactions. Select the appropriate bank and date, then find the matching transaction. Click on "Link". If the invoice is already linked, the "Link" button will be disabled, indicating that the transaction has already been matched with another document. In this case, proceed to step 3.

3. Access the details of the current matching.

Locate the invoice that has been matched with the transaction. On the right, you will see an indication that it has been matched as a Sales or Purchase invoice, with a link. Click on that link.

This will take you to a screen displaying the details of the transaction matching. You will see the transaction on the left and a couple of sections: one for other transactions and another for other documents.

Transaction matching details

If the transaction has only been matched with one invoice (not with other documents or transactions), the "Other transactions" section will be empty, and the "Matching document, salary, or trip" section will contain just one document.

4. Add another invoice or transaction.

4.1. Adding another transaction.

While usually an invoice is paid with a single payment, you may need to add another transaction in cases where an invoice was paid in two or more installments. In this case, simply click on "Add transaction". This will take you to a screen where you can navigate through the transactions and choose the appropriate one. Once done, you will see this transaction appearing in the "Other transactions" section.

Adding a second transaction

You can add as many transactions as needed, although most invoices are matched to a single transaction.

4.2. Adding another document or invoice.

Although unusual, the opposite situation may occur: a couple of expenses from a provider or an invoice for one of your customers are paid in a single transaction. In this case, there will be just one transaction and two or more documents. To add a second document after you have matched the first one with the transaction, choose one of these options:

If you have already uploaded the documents for the other invoice(s), choose "Add Existing Invoice". You will be able to navigate through your invoices and choose the correct one, then click on the "Link" button.

If you haven't uploaded the documents yet, click on "Upload Document / Add Document". The document will be uploaded and matched automatically with the transaction.

Note that our system performs automated checks to verify the amounts of the transaction and the invoices.

After successfully matching this second document, you should see it listed in the section "Matching document, salary, or trip".

Adding a second document

Updated on: 08/07/2024

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